Friday, February 27, 2015

Spock and Sqauts

Firstly, I'd like to interrupt this daily wellness blog to discuss some sad news. Leonard Nimoy passed away today at the age of 83. Nimoy is best known as Spock from the 1970's TV show and cult classic Star Trek, a personal favorite of mine. I grew up watching Star Trek in syndication with my father and quickly fell in love. It has been the Mecca of my nerdom and while Captain Kirk has always been my favorite (and first love), Spock will always have a place in my big ol' nerd heart. I regret never having the pleasure to meet Leonard Nimoy, but I am glad for the chance I was given to meet William Shatner and I hope he stays in good health despite losing one of his dear friends. 

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming…

Squats. I can hear the groans all over the country at the idea. They kick you ass, literally! Squats has lifted and shaped some of the best derrieres I know, and I'm starting to get jealous. I can't rely on the size of my back end alone anymore. I want it to be high and tight and maybe a little bouncy as well.

But I'm a big ol' wimp. So when I started to read the various 30 day squat challenges all over the internet, they all seemed out of my league. And then, like Goldilocks and the three bears, I found a challenge jusssst right: 30 Day Fitness Challenges' 30 Day EASY Squat Challenge. 

I'll admit, I'm still pretty apprehensive about it, but here goes nothing! I'll keep y'all updated on my progress from time to time and hopefully 30 days from now I'll be able to squat with the best of 'em!

Live long and prosper.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Stairs

There are fifty stair steps in between me and the third floor of the concrete building where all of my classes reside. It is these very stairs that inspired this blog title. I’ve come to count them to distract myself from the tightness in my chest and the foreboding pressure in my right kneecap. I don’t know if bad knees are inherited genetically, but the discomfort makes me feel as if I am taking after my mother, who had both of hers replaced when I was pretty young. Around step twenty, I have to remind myself to breathe. I have this bad habit of holding my breath when my chest starts to burn from exercise. It’s something I remember doing when I played soccer. Even in the best shape of my life, my asthma made it impossible to run sprints without wheezing.

I’m hoping that if I can take the stairs every time, despite the tempting elevator that a lot of the other students take, I’ll be able to jog up to the third floor and not be winded for a good five minutes. This has been my goal for a while but I have made excuses. I DO carry at least twenty pounds on my back at any given day. That’s been my main complaint but no more! The end of February might not be a celebrated time to make New Year resolutions, but here I go! I’m taking the stairs from now on. 

I’ll let y’all know when I stop wheezing.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Fat Girl

For my first post I thought I’d write a little introduction. My name is Kelby and I am a fat girl living in Tennessee. Now, it’s important for you to know that when I refer to myself as fat, I am not being demeaning or cutting myself down, or looking for pity of any kind. I have just come to the fact that I am what I am, I am the one who brought myself here, and that no matter my size, it is my job to love myself and hopefully inspire others to do the same. My weight is not an issue, but my health is. This blog is my way of showing my process, my struggles, and my achievements.

This is me. While this picture is almost two year old, I still feel like it's a good representation of my body shape, and it's a super cute picture of me being active anyway.

As of Fall 2015 I am in my Junior year at Middle Tennessee State University pursuing a bachelor’s degree in English with a focus in writing. Ideally, I’d like to get into the publishing business, but anything where I can flex my writing skills and love for literature would be okay with me.

I collect hobbies like scarves, of which my collection is extensive, so I won’t include a comprehensive list but my minor is Film Studies and is something I am particularly passionate about.

Anyway, I'm sure any and all readers will learn more along the way without me spelling it all out for 'em in the first post.

Until next time,