Friday, February 27, 2015

Spock and Sqauts

Firstly, I'd like to interrupt this daily wellness blog to discuss some sad news. Leonard Nimoy passed away today at the age of 83. Nimoy is best known as Spock from the 1970's TV show and cult classic Star Trek, a personal favorite of mine. I grew up watching Star Trek in syndication with my father and quickly fell in love. It has been the Mecca of my nerdom and while Captain Kirk has always been my favorite (and first love), Spock will always have a place in my big ol' nerd heart. I regret never having the pleasure to meet Leonard Nimoy, but I am glad for the chance I was given to meet William Shatner and I hope he stays in good health despite losing one of his dear friends. 

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming…

Squats. I can hear the groans all over the country at the idea. They kick you ass, literally! Squats has lifted and shaped some of the best derrieres I know, and I'm starting to get jealous. I can't rely on the size of my back end alone anymore. I want it to be high and tight and maybe a little bouncy as well.

But I'm a big ol' wimp. So when I started to read the various 30 day squat challenges all over the internet, they all seemed out of my league. And then, like Goldilocks and the three bears, I found a challenge jusssst right: 30 Day Fitness Challenges' 30 Day EASY Squat Challenge. 

I'll admit, I'm still pretty apprehensive about it, but here goes nothing! I'll keep y'all updated on my progress from time to time and hopefully 30 days from now I'll be able to squat with the best of 'em!

Live long and prosper.


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