Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Stairs

There are fifty stair steps in between me and the third floor of the concrete building where all of my classes reside. It is these very stairs that inspired this blog title. I’ve come to count them to distract myself from the tightness in my chest and the foreboding pressure in my right kneecap. I don’t know if bad knees are inherited genetically, but the discomfort makes me feel as if I am taking after my mother, who had both of hers replaced when I was pretty young. Around step twenty, I have to remind myself to breathe. I have this bad habit of holding my breath when my chest starts to burn from exercise. It’s something I remember doing when I played soccer. Even in the best shape of my life, my asthma made it impossible to run sprints without wheezing.

I’m hoping that if I can take the stairs every time, despite the tempting elevator that a lot of the other students take, I’ll be able to jog up to the third floor and not be winded for a good five minutes. This has been my goal for a while but I have made excuses. I DO carry at least twenty pounds on my back at any given day. That’s been my main complaint but no more! The end of February might not be a celebrated time to make New Year resolutions, but here I go! I’m taking the stairs from now on. 

I’ll let y’all know when I stop wheezing.


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