Sunday, March 1, 2015

Day 1

Yesterday, the 28th of February, I did 30 squats for the challenge I mentioned in my previous post. Due to the silliness of starting 1 or something on the last day of a month instead of the first day of the month, and the fact that the 30 I did were out of form and shouldn't count anyway, TODAY will officially be my first day of the 30 Day Squat Challenge. That being said, the 30 that I did yesterday has left me so sore that going up and down the three steps to my front door is a challenge. But, I'll admit, it feels good to be sore after going so long without regular exercise.

I go to Nerd Fitness for most of my form questions and general inspiration to get fit. Not only does it speak to me on a niche sort of level, there are so many articles written about nearly everything I've ever wanted to read about, that I don't have a need to go looking anywhere else! It's a community I feel more accepted into than most of the sites I find who are into hardcore weight training while I'm just starting body weight work outs. But I digress.

During and after my initial 30 squats, I was experiencing some pain in my right knee, the one that gives me problems, and lower thigh muscles near my knees. From what I understand by reading this guide on is that my form is off. I'm putting too much of my weight on the tips of my toes rather than my heels, and I am bending forward too much, mainly because I feel like I'll fall backwards if I don't. To correct this, I tighten my core muscles and keep my back as straight as possible without relying on my lower back to pull myself back up. So far I feel like my squats are more effective, though now I hurt in a number of places. 

I'll keep y'all updated throughout my challenge. Also, because cooking is just another one of my hobbies I indulge in occasionally, I'll be sharing some of my favorite recipes from time to time. Stay tuned and keep in touch!


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