Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Happy Accident

I tried to cheat today. With the ache in my thighs from my rigorous squat schedule already burning on my trek from my car to Peck Hall, the thought of 50 steps to overcome felt unimaginable. So, I hit the little arrow by the elevator, already validating my laziness with a dozen excuses. I have my backpack with me today, and it's heavy, I whined internally. I hit the button again, as the little red light had faded. My legs hurt and I've been doing so good on my squats! The light went out again and I realized the elevator wasn't whirring the way it did when it was on its way to the bottom floor. There wasn't any sort of noise, actually. Out of order. I took this as a sign, took a deep breath, and jogged up those damn stairs! I'm pleased to announce that I did not see stars in my vision, the world did not start to go black, and I only breathed heavy for a few minutes when I finally sat down on the bench by the door to my next class. 

I'm rather proud of myself, despite needing that extra push. Thanks, unpredictable elevator outage.

Also, I'd like to point out that I look fine as hell today. I'm likely to add a photo later, so stay tuned for that~ 


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