Thursday, March 26, 2015


Hello readers, if I have any.
If you’re out there.

I have not made a post in quite some time, and while this is usually a sign that I am getting tired of my idea, I want to assure you all that I am still waging war against the fat girl’s natural enemy; the dreaded stairs. 

I wish I could say that the only challenges I face are physical. It would be so much easier to jog up a flight of stairs than deal with the emotional strain I’ve been faced with lately. I’m not here to complain, or vent, or even preach. I’m sure everyone has dealt with their own bouts of depression. Mine might have cost me my relationship. But I’m not going to get into all that right now.
What I’m here to say is that it gets better. It will always feel like the world is ending and you are too far under to pull yourself upright. If anything has helped me through this time it has been this: This is not a permanent state of being.

I am not a professional. I don’t claim to know the ins and outs of the human condition, but I know myself. Any obstacle can be tackled. Whether it’s going up fifty steps just to get to class every day or packing up all of your stuff and living on your own for a while, I can do this, and you can too.

Sorry I got a little emotional there for a minute, but loving yourself is not just about loving your body, but taking care of yourself mentally as well.
Until next time, faithful readers.


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